Friday, July 27, 2007

New to this whole blogging thing

Well, here goes. My first blog. My daughter is sleeping here on my lap & Ronnie is next to me "fighting" his superhero toys. I am on maternity leave & am enjoying my kids so much right now. I go back to work in a few weeks. Gracie is getting better at sleeping at night, but she doesn't like to be set down during the day. Yikes! It is very tiring. Ronnie loves his little sister. He gives her kisses & loves on her constantly. When someone is holding her, he will tell Gracie the person's name so she will know the person. Then he will look at the person holding her & say, "Now she knows who you are." It's very sweet. I'm a little starved for adult conversation since I'm home during the day right now. I have an interview with another company to work from home & am hopeful that I could have more flexibility. I am really enjoying not having a schedule right now. Ronnie goes back to daycare next week & is anxious to be with his friends. That's about it for now. My days are pretty much consumed with my kids right now. I'll try to post pictures, but I don't know if I can figure it out. :)


IzzyBeth said...

Yay for Ruth! Blogging can be therapeutic. :-)

Ruth said...
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