Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring - Great times!

I love this weather we are having today! It is amazing how great weather can make everyone's moods brighter! We have been playing in the back yard a lot. I hope we will be putting up a fence in the next few weeks so the doggies can run & Gracie can be kept in the yard... Gracie's fits are becoming fewer. I am learning to be more patient with her. Today, she didn't want to take a nap for me. I finally gave up since the rest of us were in the back yard enjoying the day. Then I went to Walmart for my weekly grocery trip. She cried herself to sleep in the cart. It was the most adorable thing to see her sleeping in the cart & I wish I would have had my camera with me! I will start putting that thing in my purse when I leave home!

I'm super excited that I am going to become an aunt again! Sarah is expecting & I am so excited!!! I know Gracie will love having a baby close to her age on my family's side to play with. Of course, she has Neva on Ron's side. Send prayers Sarah's way. After what I went through twice, I'm sure she can't help but be a little nervous. I know she will be fine & will have a wonderful, healthy baby, but pregnancy is hard & she's at the beginning. Other than that, things have been about the same.

Gracie has a new speech therapist. She is wonderful! She is teaching me how to sign to Gracie by using hand-over-hand techniques. It's been noted that the words she learns to sign are the words she eventually verbalizes. Tiffy is teaching her to count. She can count 1-2-3! She's getting so big & will be 2 in June. She starts to daycare June 1st. I think that will be a tremendous help for her to be around kids her age. On to the pics...

Midnight is coming to get me!

Carley is licking her lips!

Chillin' (What they do best!)

Ronnie smiling - the only smile of the day. He was trying to be pouty today!

Gracie saying "Wee!"

Stop taking pictures!
I mean it Momma!

I'm gonna getcha Momma!

Gracie LOVES her big girl swing. She wouldn't sit in a baby swing this year!
The neighbor boy, Trystan with Gracie.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Relaxed & full of Patience

This blog is to thank Becky for her wonderful advice! Perhaps others have given me similar advice before, but I wasn't ready to hear it or heed it. Gracie's tantrums have been increasing to the point that I have become too frustrated to deal with it. Saturday was Ronnie's last Upward Basketball game. I was excited to watch him play, but as usual, Gracie didn't have any interest in sitting still. At one point in the game, in a fit of frustration, she flung her head back & hit her head into my mouth & made me bleed. I took her to the bathroom where I proceeded to cry. I wasn't crying from the pain, but from the frustration that I have when I cannot "control" her! I am constantly being stared at in public with some frustrating glances. That is embarrassing to me. I never see other kids being as loud, disruptive, or as bad as I seem to think Gracie is behaving. She can be extremely mouthy & despite her lack of vocabulary, she can talk back with grunts & gestures. Fortunately for my sanity, Grammy offered to watch Gracie & Ronnie for the weekend. I didn't realize how much I needed some space & time away from the kids. Crying on the phone to Becky, she gave me the perfect advice at the perfect time. I have been praying for help. Becky reminded me that Gracie can understand more than I realize. Before I take her somewhere, I need to tell her gently what my expectations are. Then I can tell her that if she is good, she can get a reward. Rewarding positive behavior is something I have tried to do, but have failed greatly.

Tonight when Gracie came home, we went to Burger King. I sat Gracie down & told her we were going to Burger King & that Mommy expected her to sit in her seat & eat her dinner. I told her I expected her to eat without screaming. If she did this, she could have a cookie after dinner. It worked! She was wonderful! And she ate dinner. Tonight she has already gotten out of bed 5 times. (It's 9:30 pm). The last time she got up, I told her that I expected her to stay in bed. I told her that if she got up again, Mommy would have to spank her. I told her this very gently while holding her & giving her a kiss. I asked her if she understood & she said "S". She stayed in bed. I didn't have to yell at her & she listened. I pray that I can continue to lovingly reward her & see positive results. I'm staying positive for now. I was born without the patience gene. God granted me the privilege of having a beautiful daughter - one who is a lot like her Mommy. Maybe that's my frustration??? She's too much like me!

Midnight & Carley got neutered & spayed. They had to wear the collars to stay away from their stitches!

I've become a redhead. I look like Gracie now!

Gracie pulled something heavy down onto her head. Ouch!

Poor Carley looks so sad in her collar.

Gracie loves her Mr. Potato head & likes to wear the glasses!

Ronnie playing basketball...