Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Conversations with a 6 Year Old

Last night, we were driving home after dark. I couldn't see well & said, "I'm as blind as a bat." Ronnie replied, "Mommy, bats can see at night. I heard that on TV." I told him, " Yeah, that is correct. They can see in the dark." Ronnie had a puzzled look on his face, "If they can see at night then they aren't blind." I got a good chuckle out of his logic on that one!

Earlier in the day, Ronnie told me, "Mommy, I want to get off the bus by myself." I was a little sad, but said, "Okay Ronnie, I'll wait inside today for you." Ronnie said, "No Mommy. Not just today. Wait inside everyday. I want to get off the bus without you every day. I can cross the street by myself now."

My boy is starting to get along without me. He's growing up regardless of how hard I try to stop him!

Still waiting on my laptop. Patiently waiting. Patiently. Where the HECK IS MY LAPTOP, GATEWAY???

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