Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In memory

My friend found out that her baby passed away yesterday. She was 8 months pregnant. She delivered baby "Peanut" Isaac Robert at 11:30am. He's now with God. The following is a poem I found in memory of baby "Peanut". Peanut is in heaven with my 2 babies looking down on Mommy & Daddy. I'm holding Gracie right now & really absorbing all of her smiles, sounds, & smells and am praising God for my miracle baby! Please pray for my friend who is just beginning to grieve for her baby boy. It's been such a sad day today.

In memory of Peanut:

O precious, tiny, sweet little one
You will always be to me.
So perfect, pure, and innocent
Just as you were meant to be.
We dreamed of you and of your life
And all that it would be.
We waited and longed for you to come.
And join our family.
We never had the chance to play,
To laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now
And listen to you giggle.
I'll always be your mother,
He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child,
The child that we had.
But now you're gone...but yet you're here
We'll sense you everywhere.
You are our sorrow and our joy,
There's love in every tear.
Just know our love goes deep and strong
We'll forget you never--The child we had,
but never hadAnd yet will have forever!
~Author Unknown


IzzyBeth said...

I am praying for your friend.

Love you,

Sarah said...

That is so sad! I am sorry that she is going through this! I will pray for her and her family!