Friday, May 9, 2008

Little Gracie - Another milestone

She said Mommy! It's really "me me", but hey, it's close. She's been saying it all day, but she only says it when she's whiny. When she's really happy, she says dadadadadada! Annoying!

I have to share an oops story about a recent event that involved the near death of my wonderful daughter. Ronnie went on a bike ride & I was pushing Gracie in the stroller to the park. When we got back home, I couldn't get the stroller into the garage because my dear husband had once again claimed all of the space in our horribly cluttered garage. I stopped the stroller at the top of the driveway & proceeded to try & make a space for the stroller to fit into. I had to move the lawn mower, ladders, & a bunch of junk. All of a sudden, Ronnie asked where Gracie went. I looked all over for her & she was no where to be found. Then I looked across the street & there she was - sitting in her stroller in the grassy area. The stroller had rolled down the driveway & across the street & partially into the grass. There were 2 older people on mopeds who had stopped to make sure she was okay. I'm just glad they didn't call CPS! Poor Gracie was just so cute with no expression either way. She just went for a ride & didn't have a care in the world.

As if that wasn't enough, I was meeting my friend for pizza & drove our borrowed mini-van to the pizza place. We arrived a little early & Gracie was hungry. So I hopped in the back seat to feed her, but I forgot to put the van in park. I jumped back to the front seat & put my foot on the pedal to stop the van & accidentally hit the gas pedal! Somehow, luckily, I didn't drive through the window of the pizza place, nor did I hurt the van in anyway. I just had a very pathetic day!

Today, Ronnie had a baseball game & they went ahead & had the kids play even though it was raining. I am a rookie to these outdoor sports. All of the other mothers had golf umbrellas & here I come with baby in tow & no jacket, umbrella or anything. One of the mothers kindly shared her umbrella, but try holding a very active child in a very cold environment & enjoy the screams! She did not want to sit still & screamed for the 2 innings that they played until someone wised up & cancelled the game. I just sat there thinking that this will be my life as a mother for the next 15 years! I need to purchase a golf umbrella! Not any new pictures, so I'm throwing in some random pictures that I don't think I've posted before...

1 comment:

IzzyBeth said...

Wow. that WAS some day. I'm glad she is okay!!

You borrowed a minivan??