Sunday, June 29, 2008

This post is just for Daddy!

After Ronnie won the championship game, Ron & I were talking about what a great bunch of parents we had on the team. They helped with practices & games! They weren't rude & seemed very supportive. Ron's only complaint - parents who talked to their kids during the game. It was too distracting. I can't imagine who he must be referring to. During the game, Ronnie hit a double. When he got to base, he was giving us the thumbs up sign. However, I didn't have my camera ready. My sister-in-law, Sarah, said, "I can get him to do it again so you can get a picture." So we instantly started calling his name & giving him the thumbs up sign. Sure enough, he responded back just for the camera. Now see Ron! If we hadn't yelled at him, I wouldn't have this adorable picture of our son on base!!! :) Well worth a little distraction...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

toooo funny! I am sure Ron will appreciate it! LOL