Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kindergarten Bound

Ronnie starts school in less than a week! I still cannot believe he will be in kindergarten. He's not very excited about it & is nervous because there are "big" kids in the same school. We registered yesterday & we will get to meet his teacher on Monday. I bought his school supplies & back to school clothes (superhero t-shirts were a must!).

I took him to the dentist yesterday. The dentist told me that because he had a high fever as a baby & was on antibiotics for extensive amounts of time, his teeth are graying & causing decay. He said it couldn't be prevented with good brushing. Poor kid. He suffered through so many sicknesses & now his poor teeth have to be sealed & he has to go under gas & everything. I just felt so sorry for him, but he was brave & didn't seem to mind visiting the dentist.

Gracie is starting to talk. She picks up the phone (my old cell phone) & whispers, "Hi". She gives me a big toothy grin when she is on the phone. She's such a girly girl already! She's starting to eat better now & is finally taking a sippy cup, but she still totally prefers the bottle. Any advice on how I can get rid of the bottle would be greatly appreciated! I haven't downloaded pictures in awhile & I'm having problems getting them to load today. I'll try to upload some soon...


Sarah said...

My advice for you would just be what Dr. Beahm told me....just give her the sippy cup and when she gets thirsty she will drink. Just get rid of all bottles and don't offer her that any more. I know it's easy said than done but that's what I did.
Ronnie will be okay in school once he gets going. He did okay in daycare and stuff didn't he? At least he can wear his comfy superhero clothes. LeeAnn has to wear uniforms. UGH!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah on just going cold turkey. It will be a few days of hell because I'm sure she'll be screaming. But she soon figure out that you mean business. Try giving her something really tasty in the bottle other than milk like juice or something sweet to get her started.

I'm nervous about Jason going to school, too. We'll definitely have to share kindergarten stories. Who knew that we would grow up and have kids in the same grade! Isn't it so cool??
