Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mother of the Year? Maybe next year...

Well, I don't think I will be awarded Mother of the Year anytime soon. Working from home, I can get pretty focused on my work. That's not a good thing when Gracie is being mischievous. The other day, she was being very quiet. I enjoy that, but that is actually not a good thing. The only time she is quiet is when she is into things she shouldn't be. I looked out of the corner of my eye, & there was Gracie, climbing the stairs -- with SCISSORS in her hand!!! She turned, smiled at me & said, "hi".

Then on the same day, she got into the cabinets in the kitchen. Why is Walmart ALWAYS out of the cabinet locks when I try to purchase them??? Gracie came walking over to me and generously offered me a can of Raid ant spray. Gotta love her, even though she's trying to kill me with heart failure!

Our family finally joined the world of Wii users! We now have a Wii & a Wii fit. It is the most fun we have had in so long. We play it together every evening & it helps us get active as well as laugh & enjoy the time together. Doesn't that sound silly? It may, but it has brought us together every day for a fun time. I highly recommend the Wii fit! It is definitely a wonderful & fun thing to do!!! Ronnie amazes me with how good he is at the yoga exercises. That is the part that I am the worst at.

Mom & Dad took a ton of pictures of the kiddos, & I wanted to share. Thanks to Mom, Dad, & Sarah for the pictures on this blog...


IzzyBeth said...

Yay for the Wii Fit! :-)

Anonymous said...

Rock on Mother of the Year! Maybe she just wanted to cut her hair or something. Also, maybe she left a cookie out somewhere and got the Raid to kill the ants. I'm sure she is that intuitive. Loved the pics.
