Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Power Nap

For those who know, I had surgery today & came through just fine. I have been under anesthesia before & have had both great & not so great experiences. Today was not so great. I was so nervous that I let my anxiety get the best of me. They had to give me Phernergan in the IV which made me so drowsy. I was supposed to be on my way home by 11:30 this morning & didn't make it out until close to 2pm. I finally forced myself to get out of bed at 6pm so I could help get Ronnie ready for football practice. I could have slept until morning. Anyhoo, just wanted to let everyone who reads my blog to know that I'm okay & I really enjoyed my power nap. Is it sad to say that I look forward to surgery so I can get lots of sleep? I need a life!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am glad to hear that you got through it okay. I was wondering how you were doing. I can also relate to the anxiety. When I had my MRI they had to put me to sleep cause I was so anxious about it. And I too, couldn't wake up. You don't need a life you need some rest. Maybe when Gracie is a couple years older you might get some! HAHA! :)