Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, as I mentioned in my last blog, I came through my surgery without any of the side effects that they mentioned - no bleeding, no pain - what a miracle. However, I have been very dizzy & nauseaus since then. Ugh! It is difficult to work, sit up for long periods of time, or do much of anything because of the dizziness. I finally called the doctor & he said it was probably unrelated to the surgery. So, I haven't a clue what is causing this, but I keep praying it will pass. I'm functioning, barely. Anyway, we went to Holiday World on Saturday. It wasn't very crowded & Ronnie & Tiffany had a great time. I wish I had been feeling better, but we all still had a lot of fun. We rode a water slide that was the highest point in the park. The worst part - 10,000 steps (give or take...) to the top. With no line at all, we walked all the way to the top! I had to stop for air & really wanted to get some Oxygen before I climbed the rest of the stairs. I believe I mentioned to Ron that it would have been nice to have benches here & there as well as pop stands for beverages along the way. That was the most ridiculous climb for a water slide that I have ever experienced. We rode that slide later in the day, & fortunately for me, there was a line, so we inched our way up the steps slowly. I don't have any new pictures yet since I didn't want to take my camera into the water park. I think I'm getting too old for amusement parks, but I love watching the kids having such a wonderful time. Aunt Robin & cousin Kacie watched Gracie for us so we could go. Thanks Aunt Robin & Kacie! That gave us the last chance to use our tickets before they closed for the summer. I'm off to lay down & stop the spinning for now! Hopefully I will get new pictures uploaded soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kacie and I had a great time with Gracie. One of my favorite times was when she and Kacie were cuddling up to watch a chick flick and she started dancing. Too funny! Feel better soon!