Monday, January 7, 2008

My little one has teeth!

Gracie has 2 teeth coming in now! Maybe that's why she's been soooooooo fussy & I've been sooooo irritable. She has been the happiest thing today! I can't see the little teeth yet, but they are very sharp & clearly are through the gums. It's funny what little things amaze me. When she cries, she has been saying what sounds like "ma" as if she's trying to say Mommy. I have been swearing that she says this & have been told I'm crazy. Ron told me today that he heard her try to say Mommy. Ha! I win! I have a ton of pictures to post, but I haven't taken the time to download, so here's a flash from the past. Can you believe how little she was???

Look! She's trying to say "ma"!

1 comment:

IzzyBeth said...

Wow. She was TINY. Not anymore!! Now she can bite Ronnie. :-)